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Di Forum ini untuk Berbagi Lowongan Kerja untuk Pelaut Di Kapal Dalam Negeri Ataupun Kapal Luar Negeri.

Berita Maritime

Berita Maritime Tentang Pelaut dan Duni Kerja di Kapal ataupun Kejadian Peristiwa Terkini tentang Dunia Maritime.

Berita dan Regulasi Kementrian Perhubungan Laut INDONESIA

Berbagi Berita Tentang Regulasi dan Peraturan Terkini dari Dirjen Perhubungan laut Indonesia .

Bidang Ilmu Pelayaran

Berbagi Tentang Ilmu Pelayaran bagian Nautika atau Tehnika serta Kunpulan soal soal Ujian Keahlian Pelaut DP 1,2,3,4,5.

Minggu, 18 April 2010


Forum Pelaut

Forum pelaut yang merupakan salah satu penyedia forum saling bertukar informasi tentang dunia pelaut dan maritime  sebagai wadah mengumpulkan berita dan aspirasi para pekerja dunia maritime, Forum pelaut ini  telah memberikan pelayanan untuk sharing pengalaman para pelaut yang bekerja di darat ataupun laut dan untuk meningkatkan kualitas kompentensi para pelaut dan pekerja maritime

Selain itu kami juga menjediakan forum berbagi Lowongan kerja di kapal baik itu melalui Agent atau langsung lowongan dari perusahaan pelayaran di indonesia atau internasional. Karena teknologi semakin cangih maka disini admin ingin berbagi wadah untuk para pelaut indonesia saling sharing pengalaman kerja dan sharing lowongan kerja di kapal , maka peluang untuk mendapatkan notifikasi dari kami di harapkan para pelaut ini mengikuti langanaan dengan mengisi alamat email di kolom langganan di bawah kiri website.



 1. K = Lunas
 2. G = Pusat gravitasi
 3. B = Pusat Apung
 4. M = Metacentre
 5. ø = Sudut Hak
 6. BM = Radius Metasentrik
 7. GM = Tinggi Metasentrik
 8. GZ = Lever Righting diukur dari G
 9. KB = Tinggi Pusat Apung dari lunas
 10. KG = Ketinggian Pusat Gravitasi dari lunas
 11. KM = Ketinggian Metacenter dari lunas

 KM = KG + GM
 KM = KB + BM
 GZ = KN - KG x sin ø dimana KN dapat ditemukan dari kurva KN
 Momen Meluruskan = Δ x GZ di mana Δ = perpindahan


 KG = Momen Vertikal Total Bobot sekitar lunas [metre.tonnes]
 Δ [ton]

 GG1 = Momen Berat, W bergeser pada Jarak, D [metre.ton]
 Δ [ton]
 : pergeseran vertikal G


 KM = KB + BM

 KB = 0,53 x Draf [meter]

 BM = Momen kedua dari luas bidang air = I [meter]
 volume perpindahan V

 dimana I = L x B3 [metre4] untuk tongkang persegi panjang


 GM = KM - KG


 GGv = s.g.  Cairan di Tangki x I x 1
 s.g.  Air di mana kapal mengapung V n2

 dengan GGv = kenaikan virtual G atau pengurangan G

 I = momen ke-2 permukaan bebas di sekitar garis tengah

 = L x B3 [metre4] untuk kompartemen persegi panjang

 L = Panjang Tangki [meter]

 B = Luas Tangki [meter]

 V = Volume Tangki [metre3]

 n = jumlah kompartemen longitudinal dimana tangki berada



 - perbedaan antara trim awal dan trim akhir yaitu perubahan draf maju + perubahan buritan draf

 Momen Pemotongan = Berat x Jarak yang digeser = W x d [ton.metre]

 Perubahan Trim, t = Momen Pemangkasan [meter]
 100 x MCT.1cm

 MCT.1cm = Momen Untuk Mengubah Pangkas sebesar 1 cm

 = Δ x GM L [ton.metre]
 100 x L

 ≅ Δ x BM L [karena GML kecil jika dibandingkan dengan BML]
 100 x L

 dimana Δ = perpindahan [ton]

 GM L = Tinggi Metasentrik Longitudinal

 BM L = ketinggian metacentre longitudinal, ML
 di atas pusat apung, B

 GML = KB + BML - KG [meter]

 dimana BML = panjang.  2 mmt bidang air tentang pusat flotasi, F
 volume perpindahan

 = I L [meter]

 Perubahan draf belakang, ta = l a x perubahan trim [meter]

 Perubahan draf maju, tf = l f x perubahan trim [meter]

 Perubahan draf rata-rata = Berat dimuat atau dibuang [meter]

 TPC = Ton per Sentimeter Perendaman

 = Aw x ρ

 dimana Aw = luas bidang air [metre2]
 = L x B x Cw (koefisien luas bidang air)

 ρ = kepadatan air laut [ton per metre3]


 Momen Pemangkasan = Δ x (pemisahan longitudinal LCG dan LCB)

 dengan LCG = Pusat gravitasi longitudinal [meter]

 LCB = Pusat apung longitudinal [meter]


 Perubahan draf rata-rata karena perubahan kepadatan = Δ x (ρ1 - ρ2)
 Aw (ρ1.ρ2)

 Momen Pemangkasan = Δ x (pergeseran horizontal LCB)

 atau (massa lapisan air ditambahkan atau dihilangkan karena perubahan massa jenis) x
 (jarak horizontal antara LCB awal & LCF akhir pesawat)



 1. δLat = perbedaan Lintang antara 2 titik, N atau S
 2. δPanjang = perbedaan Bujur antara 2 titik, E atau W.
 3. θm = pertengahan garis lintang
 4. θc = Kursus
 5. D = Jarak
 6. p = Keberangkatan


 tan θc = cos θm x δPanjang


 Jarak = 1
 cos θc


 Selisih Garis Lintang = D x cos θc

 Selisih Garis Bujur = D x sin θc
 cos θm
 - dengan Intake dan Discharge tunggal yang umum

 Total Gabungan Kepala Pembuangan atau Tekanan

 = ½ (Kepala Pembuangan pada Pompa Pertama + Kepala Pembuangan pada Pompa Kedua)

 Total Kapasitas Pembuangan gabungan

 = (Kapasitas di Pompa 1 + Kapasitas di Pompa ke-2)

 - dengan Intake dan Discharge tunggal yang umum

 Total Gabungan Kepala Pembuangan atau Tekanan

 = (Kepala Pembuangan di Pompa 1 + Kepala Pembuangan di Pompa ke-2)

 Total Kapasitas Pembuangan gabungan

 = ½ (Kapasitas pada Pompa Pertama + Kapasitas pada Pompa Kedua)

 Ke puncak


 Tekanan pada titik mana pun dalam fluida = ρ x g x h [KN / m2]

 dengan ρ = densitas cairan [ton / metre3]

 g = 9,81 [meter / detik2]

 h = jarak titik dari permukaan cairan [meter]



 (1) Beban yang bekerja pada pelat yang dibenamkan = Tekanan x Luas
 = (ρ x g x h) x A [KN]

 dengan ρ = densitas cairan [ton / metre3]

 g = 9,81 [meter / detik2]

 h = centroid area terbenam dari permukaan cair * [meter]

 A = luas lempengan yang terbenam [metre2]

 (2) Beban yang diambil oleh pengaku pelat terbenam = ρ x g x h x A [KN]

 dengan ρ = densitas cairan [ton / metre3]

 g = 9,81 [meter / detik2]

 h = centroid area panel yang dibenamkan dari permukaan cairan
 = kedalaman perendaman piring dibagi 2 [meter]

 A = area terbenam dari pelat panel persegi panjang yang didukung oleh
 = lebar panel x kedalaman pencelupan [metre2]

 - titik pelat yang dibenamkan di mana beban hidrostatis yang dihasilkan bekerja.

 Pusat tekanan dari permukaan cairan

 = Momen ke-2 dari luas daerah yang terbenam di sekitar permukaan
 Momen pertama area terbenam di sekitar permukaan

 = I + A (h) 2 [meter]

 di mana I = I NA [metre4]
 = Momen ke-2 dari luas area yang dibenamkan sekitar
 sumbu netral yang sejajar dengan permukaan cairan

 A = area terbenam [metre2]

 h = posisi sumbu netral dari permukaan [meter]
 = sentroid dari area yang dibenamkan dari permukaan cairan


 Sentroid area terbenam dari permukaan cairan = Σ (A x y)

 dimana Σ (A x y) = Momen luas permukaan cairan

 = (A1.y1 + A2.y2 + A3.y3 + ....)

 yn = jarak sentroid dari setiap area yang dibenamkan, An
 dari permukaan cairan

 ΣA = total area yang terendam
 6. SLIP

 Slip = 100% - Efisiensi

 Efisiensi = kecepatan atau jarak yang diamati
 kecepatan atau jarak mesin

 Mean Apparent Slip = jarak tempuh baling-baling - jarak tempuh kapal
 jarak per hari dijalankan dengan baling-baling

 Dist.  dijalankan dengan baling-baling di n.m.  = pitch [m] x total putaran mesin per hari

 6. SWL, MSL dan Breaking Strain


 Untuk Manilla, Breaking Strain = Circumference2 [ton]

 Untuk Kawat, Tegangan Putus = Lingkar2 x 2,5 [ton]


 SWL = Kekuatan Putus
 Faktor Keamanan


 Bahan MSL
 Belenggu, cincin, mata dek, turnbuckle terbuat dari baja ringan 50% dari Kekuatan Putus
 Tali Fiber 33% dari Kekuatan Putus
 Tali kawat (sekali pakai) 80% dari Kekuatan Putus
 Tali kawat (dapat digunakan kembali) 30% dari Kekuatan Putus
 Tali baja (sekali pakai) 70% dari Kekuatan Putus
 Rantai terbuat dari baja ringan 50% dari Kekuatan Putus
 Rantai terbuat dari baja tarik tinggi 33% Kekuatan Putus

 Dalam kombinasi roda gigi pengaman dengan MSL berbeda untuk pengikatan, keseluruhan kekuatan pengikatan akan sama dengan sambungan terlemah yang digunakan, yaitu roda gigi dengan MSL terkecil.

 Ke puncak



 - jarak maju satu putaran baling-baling

 Lapangan = 2 x π x r x y [meter]

Minggu, 04 April 2010

Marine dictionary

stand for Ultra Large Crude Carrier, i.e. a crude oil tanker with deadweight more than 300,000 tons

stand for Very Large Crude Carrier, i.e. a crude oil tanker with deadweight between 200,000 and 300,000 tons
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stand for Floating Production Storage and Offloading; FPSO is a specialised vessel moored at sea to receive the crude oil directly from seabed, and provided with means to process, store and offload oil to conventional tankers coming to it; compare to FSO , it incorporates production facilities

stand for Floating Storage and Offloading; FSO is a specialised vessel moored at sea to receive stabilised crude oil directly from seabed, and provided with means to store and offload oil to conventional tankers coming to it; unlike FPSO , it is not equipped with processing facilities


twin screws twin propellers, one on each of centreline, rotate in opposite directions during operation


 Forum pelaut indonesia

lowongan kerja pelaut , berita pelaut ,dalm dan luar negeri, agent pelayaran dan perusahaan pelayaran 

kami membahas tentang segala hal duni maritime indonesia dan internasional

kejadian accident atau incident kapal kapal 

controllable pitch propeller
a propeller with blades that can be rotated in position to achieve ahead, astern or neutral thrust, the main engine only needs to run in a constant direction; also known as variable pitch propeller or CPP for short
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Automatic Identification System AIS for Ship is an electronic ship identification system for ship to ship collision avoidance, provides information and status of ships and their cargo onboard to other ships or shore parties and vessel traffic system in ports.

The AIS can be integrated to ship navigational equipment onboard, e.g. radar or electronic charts system to indicate the ships in vicinity.

The system also transmits information to the shore, a Ship to Shore information. This is extremely useful for Vessel Traffic Systems (VTS), guiding the ship in congested areas, but equally important for the Marine Rescue Co-ordination Centres (MRCC) in giving actual updated information on all ships participating in a rescue action. Compiled information from larger areas can give the authorities basic data for planning of fairways and routing systems.

The information provided by AIS consists of
the information sent between the ships and to and from the shore which comes in four categories:

1. Static information: ships standard details for identification purpose, e.g. the MMSI number, IMO number, call sign and name, length and beam, position for GNSS antenna, type of ship

2. Dynamic information: updated continuously at a rate varying from two seconds to three minutes depending upon traffic situation, e.g. position, time, speed, course over ground, heading, navigational status and rate of turn. The faster the ship runs, the more it has to update its position

3. Voyage related information: ships actual draft and cargo type e.g. dangerous cargo (DG), destination and estimated time of arrival (ETA)

4. Safety related information: short messages on weather conditions and navigational warnings transmitted from shore to ship
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SART Search and Rescue radar Transponder, a safety equipment to give a clearer indication of the position of the vessel when activated by boosting the signal received by a searching radar; usually carried in pair for larger ships

radar stands for Radio Detection and Ranging; an electronic equipment that uses radio pulse to determine the bearing and distance to objects


a bank of steel tubes placed in the path of the exhaust gases from the furnace; the waste heat in the gases is utilised to heat up the dry saturated steam flowing through the tubes at constant presssure to obtain superheated steam
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combustion chamber of a boiler into which fuel is injected for burning
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forced draught
combustion air for boiler furnace supplied under pressure from a forced draught fan

normalising a heat treatment process similar to annealing except that the metal cools more quickly to increase the strength, toughness and hardness; the metal is allowed to cool in still air rather than in the furnace
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Scotch boiler a large diameter cylindrical boiler with three or four furnaces connected at the back end to form a combustion chamber; combustion gases coming from the individual furnace into the chamber then passes through smoke tubes to the funnel uptake; the boiler water immerses the furnaces, chambers and tubes; suitable for comparatively low pressure operation around 15 bar; for higher pressure application, water tube boiler is used; sometimes known as smoke tube boiler

superheater a bank of steel tubes placed in the path of the exhaust gases from the furnace; the waste heat in the gases is utilised to heat up the dry saturated steam flowing through the tubes at constant presssure to obtain superheated steam

Jumat, 02 April 2010


Shipbroking and Chaertering Practice (Business of Shipping)
Automatic Identification System

Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue System: a worldwide voluntary system operated exclusively to support SAR and to make information available to all RCCs

Admiralty Raster Chart Service: electronic raster charts produced by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office

Automatic Radar Plotting Aid

Additional Secondary Factor: corrections to be applied when plotting Loran C positions on charts to take into account variations in the conductivity of the earth’s surface over which the signals pass

Automatic Tracking Aid: electronic plotting device or radars

Coast Earth Station: maritime name for an INMARSAT shore-based station linking ship earth tations with terrestrial communication networks

Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended

A satellite system designed to detect distress beacons transmitting on the frequency 406 MHz

A datum is a reference system for specifying positions on the earth’s surface. Each datum is associated with a particular reference spheroid that can be different in size, orientation and relative position from the spheroids associated with other horizontal datums. Positions referred to different datums can differ by several hundred metres

Differential Global Positioning System (see GNSS)

Document of Compliance issued to the ship operator under the ISM Code

Dynamic Positioning: the ability of a ship to maintain automatically a pre-set position and heading by using her own propellers and thrusters

Dynamic Positioning Operator, usually a bridge watchkeeper

Digital Selective Calling: a technique using digital codes which enable a radio station to establish contact with, and transfer information to, another station or group of stations

Electronic Bearing Line: a radar feature

Electronic Chart Display and Information System

Electronic Chart System

Enhanced Group Call: part of the INMARSAT system that complements the NAVTEX system to supply SafetyNET and similar information broadcast services

Electronic Navigational Chart

Estimated Position

Electronic Plotting Aid: electronic plotting device for radars

Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon: a device that transmits distress alerting signals usually via satellites

Floating Production, Storage and Offloading/Floating Gas Storage Offloading ship/vessel or unit: an oil/gas production facility

Global Navigation Satellite System (see GNSS)

Global Maritime Distress and Safety System: a global communications service based upon automated systems, both satellite and terrestrial, to provide distress alerting and promulgation of maritime safety information for mariners

Global Navigation Satellite System: a worldwide position and time determination system that includes one or more satellite constellations and receivers

General Operator’s Certificate: a GMDSS radio operator’s certificate for use on ships trading beyond GMDSS Sea Area A1. This is now usually incorporated into the STCW qualifications of deck officers at the operational level.

Global Positioning System (see GNSS)

High Frequency

Hydroacoustic Position Reference: a PRS often used in conjunction with DP, configured with sea-floor acoustic transponders

International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual: published in three volumes jointly by ICAO and IMO

Integrated Bridge System

International Civil Aviation Organization: Montreal based United Nations intergovernmental body

International Hydrographic Organization: Monaco based intergovernmental body

International Labour Organization: Geneva based United Nations intergovernmental body, responsible for seafarers’ employment standards

International Maritime Organization: London based United Nations intergovernmental body, responsible for the safety of life at sea, including navigational rules, and the protection of the marine environment

Telegraphy system for broadcasting marine weather forecasts, navigational warnings, SAR alerts and other warnings and urgent information to ships in coastal waters (up to 400 nautical miles) under the WWNWS

Narrow-Band Direct Printing telegraphy used for radiotelex and NAVTEX

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: United States producer of electronic raster charts

Officer of the Watch

Position Reference System: a navigational sensor (e.g. DGPS) used in conjunction with a DP system

Rescue Co-ordination Centre: a unit responsible for promoting the efficient organisation of SAR services and for co-ordinating the conduct of SAR operations within a SAR region

Raster Chart Display System

Regional Electronic Navigational Chart Co-ordinating Centre: supplier of official chart data

Raster Navigational Chart

Restricted Operator’s Certificate: a GMDSS radio operator’s certificate for use on ships trading only in GMDSS Sea Area A1 R/T Radio Telephony S-57 Edition 3 IHO’s latest transfer standard for digital hydrographic data for use with ECDIS

INMARSAT service for promulgating MSI to ships on the high seas; it includes shore-to-ship relays of distress alerts and communications for SAR co-ordination

Search and Rescue/International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979, as amended

Search and Rescue Transponder: a portable radar transponder for use in survival craft, which transmits homing signals in the 9 GHz band

System Electronic Navigational Chart: a database that comprises ENC data, ENC updates and other data added by the mariner that is accessed by, and displayed on, the ECDIS

Ship Earth Station: shipborne satellite communication station, used for exchanging messages with shore subscribers and ships

Standard Marine Communication Phrases: an updated version of SMNV that includes phrases that have been developed to cover the most important safety-related fields of verbal communications

Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary: adopted by IMO for communications on board ship as well as for those between ship and shore

Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan

Safety Management System under the ISM Code

International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended

Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan

International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended STCW Code Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code, appended to the STCW Convention

Simplified Voyage Data Recorder

Transmitting Magnetic Compass

Unmanned Machinery Space

Voyage Data Recorder

Variable Range Marker: a radar feature

Vessel Traffic Services

World Electronic Navigational Chart Database

World Geodetic System 1984 datum

World Meteorological Organization: Geneva based United Nations intergovernmental body

World-Wide Navigational Warning Service: established by IMO in collaboration with IHO for the dissemination of navigational warnings to ships

World-Wide Radio Navigation System: terrestrial and satellite radio-navigation systems that have been accepted by IMO as capable of providing adequate position information to an unlimited number of ships

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